Thursday, September 5, 2013

My name is Clarisa Quintero. I was born in El Centro, Ca but raised here in Escondido. Meeting me first hand you may see a  girl who doesn't really say much and is always to herself. But once you dig a little deeper and take the time to get to know me you'll see that there is so much more to me than that. I end up transforming into this whole other person who isn't afraid to speak her mind, which i sometimes end up catching myself getting into trouble because of, and who will go out of my way just to make sure that i'm always there for those who i am close to. I'm often described as outgoing and sarcastic. My hobbies  include playing Volleyball, hanging with friends, and watching good movies with good company. My goals in life after graduating High School is to go to a Community College out by the coast and then transferring out after 2 years to a University that has an amazing Social Work program and major in that, hoping to later become a Social Worker. I chose to be in photo for a second year because I found it interesting on how they're so many different ways and techniques that can be used when it comes to taking a picture.

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