Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A broad perspective Photo by: Clarisa Quintero

 Capturing this Panorama shot was one of the easiest projects I personally found to do so far. In order to capture this picture I had to mount my camera onto a tripod, figure out what area I was going to shoot, and take several shots while looking through the view finder and making sure the little arrow in the middle was aligned in the center through out each shot. After I captured the entire area, I had to take my pictures into Photoshop, open my file and select Browse bridge, select all my photos , and then I went into my tools and selected Photoshop and then selected photomerge. After doing this I chose the Reposition only option because it best fitted the type of photo I had shot. Once I had completed all this I flattened my image and then cleaned the picture up by cropping it a bit .


  1. nice photo its very clean and has good color.

  2. I helped you out! and its better than my shot xp
    cool picture dude (:
