Friday, October 11, 2013

A Splash of Color

Pop Art By: Clarisa Quintero
The idea this week was to complete an Andy Warhol inspired Pop Art Canvas that displays all the many sides a person may have. Although doing  this project was by far the most difficult and time consuming project we have ever done so far, the end result is worth every minute spent. Not only did I learn a new and fun photo technique but I also learned how to have some patience. I love how all the colors just pop out at you and really grab your eye.
In order to complete this technique, I had to take 9 separate photos of myself and open each of them into photo shop one by one . After I opened one I had to then do the same adjustments as we always do, which was selecting  Auto Contrast and Auto Tone. I then took the Quick Selection tool and went over my whole face area that I knew I wanted to be a different color aside from the background. After making my selection I clicked Ctrl/Shift/I which inverses the selection I just made and then hit the delete button which then deleted the entire background. I then went back to my quick selection tool and went over my same area as before and then went into Image/adjustments/ and desaturated my entire face. With my face now being Black and White  I went into Filter/Artistic/Cutout and played around with the Edge Simplicity tool which turned my face into a somewhat penciled  tone. Once that was completed it was time for the fun part. I went into my Paint Bucket tool and chose a bright color that I knew would make my background stand out. After that was finished I went into Image/Adjustments/Levels and messed with the red,blue,and green levels in order to create a colorful glow across my entire face and body. I continued this process for each of the 9 selfies and then opened a brand new document and placed each Pop Art photo right beside each other.

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